Thank Yous

This is a page where I will be thanking people for various things through out my blog…

Thank you to JudySims For Victoria Isles. You can find the world here:

Thank you to JudySims for Victoria Isles II. You can find the world here:

Thank you to Carissa for the Flirty Pigtails hair style 🙂

Thank you to Carissa for the Angelic Adore dress 🙂

Thank you to Carissa for the Sagittarian Dream dress 🙂

Thank you to Nancy01905 for the Pixie Blossom Crown 🙂

Thank you to Cakenotlie1 for the use of Miang Ma, his download link can be found in the Downloads: Babies, Fathers & Familes 1-30 page. 🙂

Thank you to Ckrulesinak for the use of George Spear, his download link can be found in the Downloads: Babies, Fathers & Familes 1-30 page. 🙂

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