Toddler Training and Birthdays

Right after I got home, I had to scold Sunny again. She was out past her curfew.

Sunny getting scolded photo Screenshot_zps2700beee.jpg

That night Bella’s triplets had their birthdays and turned into adult dogs.
Piper went first:

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Next up was Zoe:

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Last but not least, is Waggles:

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While I am busy aging up the latest set of twins the children are busy trying to get their homework done.

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Here is Ursa:

ursa toddler photo Screenshot-14_zps44e89deb.jpg

Here is Venus as a ghost:

Venus Ghost form photo Screenshot-16_zps992beca8.jpg

And here is what she would look like if she was a normal Sim:

Venus human photo Screenshot-15_zps6493ff72.jpg

Star and Luna spent some time getting to know their Imaginary Friends better so when the time came they could make them real and move out with them.

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Luna and IF photo Screenshot-17_zps18001f19.jpg

Mean while I took Ursa and Nova took Venus and together we got both girls potty trained.

Potty training Ursa photo Screenshot-19_zps2d2b5846.jpg

Potty training Venus photo Screenshot-20_zps67be805d.jpg

Skye kept himself busy with the chemistry set.

Skye chemistry set photo Screenshot-21_zpse5a938c9.jpg

Sunny worked on her homework.

Sunny homework photo Screenshot-22_zpsba190d91.jpg

Cassiopeia had fun learning new things about her invisible friend.

Cassiopeia photo Screenshot-23_zps07b278b5.jpg

After potty training was done, I got right to work on Ursa learning to talk. Her sister thought it would be fun to crawl through the potty chairs.

Talking Ursa photo Screenshot-24_zps3faf9a3a.jpg

Skye’s experiment did not go so well for him.

Failed expariment photo Screenshot-25_zps44120184.jpg

Bella had enough special pieces to make Fred’s skeleton.

Bella and fred skeleton photo Screenshot-27_zps26f981be.jpg

Ursa entertained herself by playing with one of the older girls’ dolls. Ursa ans Venus did not get any dolls in the mail like their older sisters.

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Nova is so close to his A in high school that he was told to catch a fish and return it to the science lab to improve his grades. He decided to go fishing in the new pond that I had installed in the front yard.

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Bella turned into an elder while I was at a party hosted by Quentin Luna.

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Bella Bday photo Screenshot-33_zps9f4afe4c.jpg

Lori & Quientian Luna photo Screenshot-34_zpsb7ea8b17.jpg

I seen Saturn there and we chatted for a bit be for I had to go home.

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When I got home I fed both girls their bottles and then sat Venus down to teach her how to talk.

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Teaching Venus Talk photo Screenshot-40_zpsf2c92626.jpg

Ursa is going to be the musician in our family.

Ursa and xlaphone photo Screenshot-41_zpscae80a67.jpg

Star likes to ride the spring rider.

Star spring rider photo Screenshot-42_zps5bb39c77.jpg

All of the children managed to get to bed at the same time. It was great.

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The next morning I tackled Ursa’s learning to walk while Venus tried out the Xylophone.

teaching Ursa to walk photo Screenshot-44_zps3516cfa0.jpg

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Bella and Captain made a unique structures. Bella made a Diamond dog, and Captain made a dinosaur skeleton.

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captian and dino skeleton photo Screenshot-47_zps43e40028.jpg

Sunny stuck out to collect me some gems so I could stock up on them for when everyone moves out.

sunny seaking out photo Screenshot-49_zpse0bd4795.jpg

Nova did some more fishing. I am eventually going to have to try fishing myself one day.

Nova fishing photo Screenshot-50_zps8f83ebf1.jpg

Venus was up next on the toddler training list. It was her turn to learn how to walk.

Venus learning to walk photo Screenshot-51_zps8c83cbdd.jpg

Skye sat down on the floor to do his homework with Captain wondering why the cake plates were left on the table.

Skye homework photo Screenshot-52_zps82b59991.jpg

Upstairs, Star and Cassiopeia are searching the galaxy for undiscovered stars and Luna is downstairs doing her homework.

girls searching galaxcy photo Screenshot-54_zps3e3dd270.jpg

Luna homework photo Screenshot-55_zpsab81579d.jpg

Nova had turned in his fish and when he was done he sat down in the grass to do his homework as well.

Nova Homework photo Screenshot-56_zpsd7978ab9.jpg

When Skye was done with his homework, he went right back to the chemistry table.

Skye chemistry photo Screenshot-57_zps4ad40cf0.jpg

Captain made a stone hydrant and I unclogged the boys potty, again.

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unclogged  potty photo Screenshot-60_zps10ddcb93.jpg

Nova succeed in making a ghost potion.

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Nova and Luna passed their evening by painting on the painting balcony.

Nova and Luna painting photo Screenshot-63_zpsd6e3d010.jpg

Sunny is learning how to ride her broom. She is so cute concentrating as she stays on her broom.

Sunny riding her broom photo Screenshot-64_zps9b77276f.jpg

Ursa looks so cute playing at the block table.

Ursa Block table photo Screenshot-65_zps0bd8368f.jpg

It was time for my first set of twins birthdays.

Star is up first.

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Sunny is next.

Sunny bday photo Screenshot-72_zpsc5151f74.jpg

Sunny headshot photo Screenshot-75_zpsa7a1b993.jpg

They both grew up beautifully.

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