Family Members Leave, Children Get Older, and First Grandchild is On Its Way

Nova is always painting.

Nova Painting photo Screenshot-76_zps37fb3787.jpg

I take the time to get to know Sunny. I am going to want to teach her how to drive and we are barely friends because of her misbehaving as a child.

Mommy and Sunny photo Screenshot-77_zps109734b5.jpg

Waggles and Captain take some time to renew their friendship as well.

Waggles and Captain photo Screenshot-78_zpsd867a20b.jpg

Star has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while I give my daughter, Sunny, a gift of gem dust.

Star eating breakfast photo Screenshot-79_zps7f1f6152.jpg

Giving Sunny a gift photo Screenshot-80_zps27b9ade0.jpg

Sunny’s IF had a birthday as we headed out the door to teach her how to drive.

IF Aging up photo Screenshot-81_zpse9588775.jpg

IF growing up photo Screenshot-82_zps769200f8.jpg

Teaching Sunny to drive photo Screenshot-83_zps393b4fe0.jpg

Teaching teen to drive photo Screenshot-85_zps597ddf2d.jpg

When Star was done eating, she went upstairs to take care of the teal twins.

Star Feeding Venus photo Screenshot-84_zpsaed00cf0.jpg

Star and Ursa photo Screenshot-86_zpsbee570c2.jpg

After the teal twins are taken care of, Star decides to clean out the nasty potty chairs while the twins play at the block table.

Star cleaining up potty chairs photo Screenshot-87_zpsec749c3b.jpg

Star cleaning up potty chairs photo Screenshot-89_zpsb01f4962.jpg

Twins at Block table photo Screenshot-88_zps80961907.jpg

Luna completes one of the paintings that she has been working so hard on.

Luna painting photo Screenshot-90_zps943386cb.jpg

Now that the potty chairs are clean Star heads downstairs to start on her homework. She even asks Skye for help. He is not much help.

Skye and Star photo Screenshot-91_zps5b180732.jpg

Star hates homework photo Screenshot-92_zps538bc0d3.jpg

Star lets off some steam by chatting it up with her friend.

Star and IF photo Screenshot-93_zpsae0bd48b.jpg

Skye likes to show off his muscles.

Muscle man, skye photo Screenshot-95_zpsb2138437.jpg

Luna is back at the easel and Ursa is back at the xylophone.

luna is obseded with painting photo Screenshot-96_zps2f475dce.jpg

Ursa the musisiona photo Screenshot-97_zpsd672cdbc.jpg

Star makes the funniest faces.

Star and funny face photo Screenshot-98_zpsc43a0f80.jpg

I chat with Skye bringing our friendship up to good friends.

teaching skye to drive photo Screenshot-99_zpsc0b817d7.jpg

Sunny and Cassiopeia are busy studying their logic skills. Luna never stops painting.

Cass and sunny studying logic photo Screenshot-100_zps112316c3.jpg

Luna painting photo Screenshot-101_zpsa9f18e3c.jpg

I convinced Skye to let me teach him how to drive.

Teaching skye to drive photo Screenshot-102_zps88973a35.jpg

Skye driving photo Screenshot-103_zps75f3ac71.jpg

Nova enjoys some leftover birthday cake for supper.

 photo Screenshot-104_zpsdc5ac033.jpg

Later Star joins him with some leftover autumn salad.

nova and star photo Screenshot-105_zps0fea7b61.jpg

Luna takes a break from painting to chat with her imaginary friend. Cassiopeia does the same.

Luna and IF photo Screenshot-106_zps5340c5f1.jpg

Cass and IF photo Screenshot-107_zps79676860.jpg

Father # 3, Irvin Proctor, stops by for a visit as a Zombie. He does not do much but stand there.

Ivrin came back as a zombie photo Screenshot-108_zps653d90a4.jpg

I am eventually going to upgrade the boys toilet to unbreakable. This is getting ridiculous. I have to unclog it again. When that is done. I head downstairs to work on my book.

Unclogging toliet photo Screenshot-109_zps8f5023fb.jpg

Working on book photo Screenshot-110_zps6863414e.jpg

Nova got his A in High School today, we all celebrated his birthday.

Nova bday photo Screenshot-111_zpsd9a2eaa7.jpg

nova bday photo Screenshot-112_zps2d422c44.jpg

Nova Bday photo Screenshot-114_zps0f0f2425.jpg

Nova Bday photo Screenshot-116_zpsef29d43f.jpg

Nova Young Adult photo Screenshot-122_zps47cb5e55.jpg

He is so handsome.

Final trait count:
Birth:                  Friendly
Birth:                  Artistic
Child:                  Excitable
Teen:                  Commitment Issues
Young Adult:    Social Butterfly
Lifetime Want: Star News Anchor

We all sat down together to enjoy Nova’s cake.

everyone eating cake photo Screenshot-119_zps78430eeb.jpg

Luna did the dishes after wards.

Luna doing dishes photo Screenshot-120_zpsa34b0616.jpg

Skye went back to the chemistry set.

Skye and chemistry photo Screenshot-123_zps15e9d3d4.jpg

Each of the teal twins met the claw that night. Ursa was first then her sister Venus.

Ursa meets the claw photo Screenshot-124_zpsc72e2097.jpg

Venus meets the claw photo Screenshot-125_zpsdb56006d.jpg

Cassiopeia sat down to do her homework and Ursa could be found at the block table.

Cass doing homework photo Screenshot-126_zps6dd1df50.jpg

urasa and the block table photo Screenshot-127_zpsef9b77cc.jpg

The next morning we all got up early and headed to city hall for Nova’s graduation ceremony.

going to graduation photo Screenshot-128_zpsf48f4fa1.jpg

We all went even the dogs came.

At graduation photo Screenshot-130_zpsc92ce57c.jpg

He looks so handsome in his graduation robes.

Nova going to graduation photo Screenshot-131_zpsa9ffeea0.jpg

Nova graduated with honors and was voted most popular by his class mates.

Tossing deploma photo Screenshot-132_zpsd614111f.jpg

When we got home, he call the real estate company and purchased the house that we had agreed on. He took Bella, Captain and Piper with him. I was sad to see so many family members leave at once, but Nova promised to take really good care of the dogs for me as well as keep in touch.

Nova moving out photo Screenshot-133_zps6f6b7528.jpg

On the bright side. I got a call saying that Saturn, Baby # 2 had gotten married to Clark Morton and that Antares who is engaged to Ronnie Elder is expecting my first grand baby. I am so excited. I can not wait to meet them.
Clark Morton:

Clark Morton/Tomlin photo Screenshot-117_zps38fe6f35.jpg

Ronnie Elder:

Ronnie Elder photo Screenshot-137_zps0d20137b.jpg

After Nova, Bella, Captain and Piper left, Sunny went up to take care of Venus and then went downstairs to practice magic.

Sunny and venus photo Screenshot-134_zpsf12a4583.jpg

Sunny congering apple photo Screenshot-139_zps0bf201fc.jpg

Waggles made a Fred skeleton and Star was busy chatting up her friend. It will be time soon for her to turn her real soon. As soon as Skye moves out, one of the first sets of twins IF’s will become real.

Making a skeloen photo Screenshot-140_zpsccfcbaf5.jpg

Star and IF photo Screenshot-141_zpse6975e12.jpg

The race is on to see who gets to make their IF real first out of the twins, Luna and Cassiopeia are chatting with their friends about it too.

Luna and IF photo Screenshot-142_zps7a3ab054.jpg

Cass and IF photo Screenshot-143_zps1874d4b6.jpg

I get busy cutting the gems that Sunny bought me so I can consign them when Skye ages up so he can move out into his own place.

Cutting gems photo Screenshot-144_zpsdb895a72.jpg

That same night is my Teal twins birthdays.

Ursa is up first.

Ursa Bday photo Screenshot-145_zps6b8f974a.jpg

Ursa Bday photo Screenshot-146_zps759564db.jpg

Ursa as a child photo Screenshot-147_zps695796ee.jpg

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Venus is last: (Sorry I missed Venus’s aging up Photos. She moved to fast.)

Venus as a child photo Screenshot-150_zps024d77e7.jpg

Venus as a ghost sim photo Screenshot-152_zps532270e5.jpg

This is what she would look like if she was a normal Sim:

Venus as a normal sim photo Screenshot-151_zps8f3f05a9.jpg

Zoe makes me another Stone Hydrant.

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Nova is now available for download on the downloads page.

11 thoughts on “Family Members Leave, Children Get Older, and First Grandchild is On Its Way

  1. yay for our first grandchild on the way!
    Chapter 8 is out!-
    I had forgotten to put Anna in the exchange so I just went and did that. I also have Angelica in the exchange to.
    Angelica –
    I accidently put Brianna in the exchange a little early, She’s in the exchange as an adult but in my updates she’s still a teen so don’t check her out unless you want a spoiler.

    • Yea I’m excited. The baby was born in game already but I am not telling anyone yet because I have one post planned out that is text heavy. I will check out your newest chapter. I will be updating most likely tomorrow, both posts.

  2. I loved both updates. I liked the last one 🙂 sometimes its good to put in some drama or lots of writing and sometimes you just want to read something fun or short in writing 🙂 you got it all 🙂

    • Thank you. 🙂 My game has been freezing and crashing but I know it is because my laptop can not handle my game. I am getting a custom computer built. I will deal with the problems until it is done and here. It just takes longer to get updates out because of it so that is why the updates are so far apart. I ordered a hard copy of Island Paradise so I can play it too when I get the new computer. I can’t wait for it and the computer to get here. I could not pass up the half off on origin.

      • I know the feeling I had my first day of class yesterday and was assigned six assignments. I got through half of them and I started on the forth. Good news is though. I am caught up through next Wednesday. lol

  3. I do not like geometry :/
    Im like “What?” And then the 8th grade(Who in their right mind does geometry in 8th grade?) is asking all these questions(Smart people questions) and our teacher like”I’ve never even thought of that” and all(10th-11th graders) are confused like how can you think of that?
    Anyway I haven’t even started on the chapter and I have another one to write after that.

    • I had geometry as a freshman in high school because I taught my self the basics of algebra in middle school. I did not like the formulas because my teachers did not put a real world spin on them. I did not see at the time that they would be useful later on. I do not realize that I use them when I am calculating what size container my left overs will fit in. My husband is a chemist and is in calculus 3 in college this semester, has to defer to me because he always either gets the container to big or to small causing me to have more dishes to wash because there is more than one container of the same leftover. It also comes in handy when you are moving things around in a room or house. Hang in there, you will get the hang of it. I promise. I did and I am not good with the advanced math. That is why I chose to be an accountant. lol All I have to do is add, subtract, multiply, and divide. lol

      • All these postulates :/ She hasn’t given us a pop quiz since number two and we are on 13 and Im definently not going to remember them all. Gaaah!:( My moms an acountant or was, she works in financing so I don’t know want you call it but she was a accountant like 20 years ago.

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